Photoshop Scripts Download

NB: The scripts will only work if you have Photoshop CC installed on your computer.

Downloading the Files

All the script files are contained in a zip file called

  1. Download Photoshop Scripts
  2. Click ‘Save As‘. This opens the Save dialogue.
  3. Navigate to your preferred scripts location and click ‘Save‘.

The Script Files

There is single folder called ‘Photoshop Scripts‘ in the zip file. It contains 2 sub-folders:

  • Framer: This contains a Frames folder containing the frame textures used by the script, the ‘Framer 2.0‘ script and a font file called WorstveldSlingExtra2Oblique‘. The Framer script and the Frames folder MUST always be in the same folder. The font must be installed before Framer can be used.
  • KaleidEfex – this contains the ‘KaleidEfex 2.0‘ script only.

Contents of the Zip File

Extracting the Files

  • In File Explorer, open the folder where you saved the downloaded zip file.
  • Double-click the file.
  • Select the ‘Photoshop Scripts‘ folder and press CTRL-C (Copy) to copy it.
  • Navigate to your preferred location and press CTRL-V (Paste).

The script files are now ready to be used.