NB: The scripts will only work if you have Photoshop CC installed on your computer.
Downloading the Files
All the script files are contained in a zip file called PhotoshopScripts.zip.
- Download Photoshop Scripts
- Click ‘Save As‘. This opens the Save dialogue.
- Navigate to your preferred scripts location and click ‘Save‘.
The Script Files
There is single folder called ‘Photoshop Scripts‘ in the zip file. It contains 2 sub-folders:
- Framer: This contains a Frames folder containing the frame textures used by the script, the ‘Framer 2.0‘ script and a font file called WorstveldSlingExtra2Oblique‘. The Framer script and the Frames folder MUST always be in the same folder. The font must be installed before Framer can be used.
- KaleidEfex – this contains the ‘KaleidEfex 2.0‘ script only.
Extracting the Files
- In File Explorer, open the folder where you saved the downloaded zip file.
- Double-click the PhotoshopScripts.zip file.
- Select the ‘Photoshop Scripts‘ folder and press CTRL-C (Copy) to copy it.
- Navigate to your preferred location and press CTRL-V (Paste).
The script files are now ready to be used.